Greenville, SC Lawsuit Loan

Injured In An Accident That Was Someone Else’s Fault? Working With A Lawyer To Sue Their Insurance For Compensation? Need Cash Relief Faster Than Your Case Will Settle? National Lawsuit Funding Can Give You Between $500 - $25,000 Or More In 24 Hours If You Qualify. Apply Now For Our Risk-Free Greenville, SC Lawsuit Loan! If you were hurt in an accident that you didn’t cause, you have the legal right to seek monetary damages in a lawsuit. However, even if you’re working with a great attorney, the legal system moves slowly, and it could be weeks, months, or even years before you get paid. When you need money in hand to pay your resulting medical bills and other expenses now, our Greenville, SC lawsuit loans provide you with cash and peace of mind on the same day that you apply. Call today or apply entirely online!

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About our Greenville, SC lawsuit loans

South Carolina is one of the most dangerous states to drive in in the nation, and Greenville County has the most traffic-related deaths in the state(300 people were killed in accidents in Greenville between 2014-2018. Auto accidents are unfortunately all too common, but there are many other accidents that occur in Greenville that leave victims injured, including medical accidents, falls, and more.

Being injured in any type of accident that was caused by someone else’s carelessness or recklessness can be a devastating life experience, but also an incredibly expensive one. Depending on how severe your injuries were, you may face medical bills for items like ambulatory transport, emergency room care, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, surgeries, hospitalization, medications, medical devices, prosthetics, deductibles, copays, physical therapy, rehabilitation, chiropractic care, and more; the total costs of your treatment could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. You may be unable to work at all and earn wages until you heal. If the accident left you permanently disabled, you may not be able to work and earn wages ever again, and will require lifelong medical care.

A Greenville personal injury lawyer can help you build a case for maximum financial compensation from the responsible party’s insurance company, but insurance companies are rarely willing to pay out the full amount victims deserve. It will take a fight to get you paid, but it could take a long time - years, even - before you will see a penny of your settlement, and in the meantime, you still have to find a way to cover your expenses. You need to get paid another way, which is where our Greenville, SC lawsuit loans come in! We can advance you up to 10% of your expected settlement, in cash, in 24 hours, and you only pay us back if and when you win!

Who should apply for this type of loan from National Lawsuit Funding?

If you have been seriously injured in an accident and do not have the savings or income necessary to pay for your medical treatment and pay for your regular costs of living without going into debt, our Greenville, SC lawsuit loans were designed for you! As long as you either live in or near Greenville (or are working with a personal injury lawyer who is located in or near Greenville) and as long as you have legal representation, you are a great candidate. We cannot fund plaintiffs who do not have a law firm representing them.

Benefits of Greenville, SC lawsuit loans

  • Applying is easy and fast!

We know that when you’re injured, getting paid quickly is important, so we made our application process simple, convenient, and fast. You don’t have to give us medical documentation or attend an interview; you just have to answer a few questions about your accident and put us in touch with your lawyer. That’s it! When we approve you, we can issue you a check or make a direct deposit within 1 business day.

  • Applying gives you negotiating power!

Insurance companies will often make fast lowball offers in an attempt to get injured accident victims who are desperate for cash to settle quickly and for less than what their injuries are actually worth. If you can get quick cash from another source - like our Greenville, SC lawsuit loans - you can afford to be patient, turn down low offers, and let your lawyer work for a better one or threaten to take your case to trial.

  • Applying is risk-free!

You don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to repay our loan or that we will damage your credit. Our loans are 100% risk-free! If you don’t win your case, you can keep the loan and use it to pay for anything you need. If and when you do win, our loan is repaid directly out of your settlement - never out of your own pocket.


Step 1: Apply

To apply for our Greenville lawsuit loans, all you need to do is answer a few basic questions - either online or over the phone - about your accident and your injuries. You don’t have to give us any medical documentation. Give us with your lawyer’s contact information and you’re finished with step 1! This should only take about 5 minutes of your time.

Step 2: Attorney Cooperation

Because we don’t require plaintiffs who lose their cases to repay our lawsuit loan, we do require them to work with a Greenville personal injury attorney so they have the best chances at winning (this is in your best interests as well!). We will not accept applicants who do not have legal representation. When you give us your lawyer’s contact information, we will call them to get more detailed information about your case. This should only take about 5 minutes of their time!

Step 3: Approve & Fund

We know how important getting your Greenville, SC lawsuit loan fast is to you and your loved ones, so we work on an ASAP basis to qualify you and send your loan! The minute we receive your application and speak with your lawyer, we will forward both of you an agreement to e-sign. When that has been signed and returned, we will immediately transfer your loan via check or direct deposit (whichever you prefer) within 24 hours or less!

Apply Now To Receive A Same-Day Greenville, SC Lawsuit Loan From National Lawsuit Funding!